Sunday, May 24, 2009

New Eating Schedule

For those of you who may not know, I eat. I eat a lot, in fact. I've gotten some cute comments from friends and family over my eating habits, like:

"You eat how many meals a day???????"
"How the f*ck can you be hungry again?!?!?!?!?!" (ahhh, the words of a supportive spouse).
"Where does it all go, do you have hollow legs?"
"Yeah, Jen, we're hungry."

But the whole eating thing was starting to get a little crazy and a little out of hand. It was becoming an almost waking-hourly event. So, not only was I consuming a lot of calories, think of all the time I had to put into food preparation and cost. I can partly justify it because I do workout almost every single day...and I'm not a 30-minuter at the gym, its usually a multi-hour affair. And I also don't eat a lot when I do eat. But still...every hour? Only triathletes and people with tapeworms can justify that kind of diet.

So, anyway, my good buddy Tara Smith helped me write up a new eating schedule. I haven't officially started it yet because its a holiday weekend (that's my excuse anyway), but I have to admit that I'm a little apprehensive about it. I get a little nervous when my food schedule gets messed with. This is where I have to sidetrack and say that Tara has been trying to diagnose me with multiple psychological disorders since I met fact, she's so adament that I have some type of mental disease that she trawls the internet looking for definitions of mental illnesses so she can look for symptoms in my behavior. So, her helping with a new schedule was another way of diagnosing me, this time with some obsure eating disorder ("I don't think you're really hungry, I think its all in your head!"). Regardless, I have a new schedule that allows me to eat every 2.5 hours from the time I wake up (generally 6:30-7:00am) til about 8pm, but with some flexibility to work around gym, swim, and cycle time. I'm going to try it for a week and see how it goes. Updates to follow.


  1. So I need more details. but first I did not say that very many times you know !!! *LOL*

    First while it is every 2.5 hours, how many calories are you allowed and what will be your total allowable consumption for the day?

    Next is it just your time for eating that she messed with or is there modification to the fat/carb/protein content of your diet?

    Lastly I would suggest that you try it for at least 2 weeks as it may take your body the 1st week to get used to the new schedule.


  2. Whatever, you say it all the time! :D

    My calorie count stays roughly the same, between 1500 and 2000, depending on my activity level for the day. But I want to monitor my fat intake as well. I think its been a little too high lately.

    Two weeks may be a good idea in theory, but if it doesn't work for me, then I won't stick with it that long. We'll see.
