Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year Resolutions

My last New Year's resolution was...ohhh...maybe three or four years ago. It went something like this: don't be fat by the time I'm 30. It was a very open resolution. I put no criteria on how I was going to not be fat, after all, why should I? I had tried and failed just about every crazy diet plan to lose weight, and I was determined that this time I would not fail. The resolution evolved over the months and years, and it became less about the fat and more about being healthy. I did a great deal of research, and I came up with a simple plan that worked. It was a list of do's and do not's. Do: exercise, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats. Do not: eat sugar, processed foods, fast food, or mystery meats, or go more than three days without exercise. Kinda simple when I type it out like that. The results have been pretty good. I went from this (taken 12/12/03):

to this (taken 08/10/08):

For the last few years I've been hesitant to replace this New Year's resolution, I mean, it's working so why fix it, right? But this year I think it is time to renew old promises to myself and make some new ones. The old one is working pretty good, but after a horribly busy semester I feel I've gotten off track a little. So...without further delay, here are my resolutions for 2009.
1. I am officially renewing my old resolution, only with a new title: to have the body I've always wanted by the time I am 35.
2. I will go to the climbing wall at least once a week during the semester.
3. I will become an avid cyclist.
4. I will learn a new hobby (to be determined, watch this space).
Well...I guess I will need to do update posts throughout the coming year. I'm not too keen about publishing my resolutions, but I realized that by doing so I am making myself accountable for what I've typed. That may just be the sort of encouragement I need.