Monday, May 25, 2009
Record It!
Anyone else interested in trying it out,
Sunday, May 24, 2009
New Eating Schedule
"You eat how many meals a day???????"
"How the f*ck can you be hungry again?!?!?!?!?!" (ahhh, the words of a supportive spouse).
"Where does it all go, do you have hollow legs?"
"Yeah, Jen, we're hungry."
But the whole eating thing was starting to get a little crazy and a little out of hand. It was becoming an almost waking-hourly event. So, not only was I consuming a lot of calories, think of all the time I had to put into food preparation and cost. I can partly justify it because I do workout almost every single day...and I'm not a 30-minuter at the gym, its usually a multi-hour affair. And I also don't eat a lot when I do eat. But still...every hour? Only triathletes and people with tapeworms can justify that kind of diet.
So, anyway, my good buddy Tara Smith helped me write up a new eating schedule. I haven't officially started it yet because its a holiday weekend (that's my excuse anyway), but I have to admit that I'm a little apprehensive about it. I get a little nervous when my food schedule gets messed with. This is where I have to sidetrack and say that Tara has been trying to diagnose me with multiple psychological disorders since I met fact, she's so adament that I have some type of mental disease that she trawls the internet looking for definitions of mental illnesses so she can look for symptoms in my behavior. So, her helping with a new schedule was another way of diagnosing me, this time with some obsure eating disorder ("I don't think you're really hungry, I think its all in your head!"). Regardless, I have a new schedule that allows me to eat every 2.5 hours from the time I wake up (generally 6:30-7:00am) til about 8pm, but with some flexibility to work around gym, swim, and cycle time. I'm going to try it for a week and see how it goes. Updates to follow.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Ren Faire, et al.
But I will have to give Ren Faire another chance in the future.
There were some unexpected high points.
1. While coming into the area we saw an ungodly line of cars waiting to get in. Luckily, Reggie spotted a sliver of a road on his GPS. We decided to explore this, and it turned out to be a secret road that led right up to the entrance of the parking area...we bypassed all the wait. Skipping line FTW.
2. While standing outside the gates waiting for Steve and Reggie I hear my name being yelled in the distance. I turn around and see my sister-in-law, Amanda. Unfortunately, my wee bro, Will, had to work today but it was a cool surprise to bump into Amanda. We chatted for ten or so minutes. The unfortuanate thing is that she and her family had already bought their no sneaky armband handoffs.
After we left Ren Faire we drove to Nashville, ate lunch at Sam and Zoe's, visited Gran Forno cycle shop, Cumberland Transit, REI, and finished up with a visit to Fresh Market for dinner fixins. I continued to feel like hammered dogshit for the remainder of the day...but I tried to make the best of it without biting any heads off. ;oP
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Budget Lawn Care
It was not a Jehovah's Witness or a chocolate-bearing youth. It was an elderly man...and he looked innocent enough through the peep hole. So I opened the door and he instantly asked for a job. Yeah, that's how he termed it, "Can I have a job mowing your lawn?" Now, its not unusual to get lawn guys soliciting their services...and this guy looked rough, so I felt a little guilty in rejecting him. But, just for future reference, should anyone out there ever decide to go door-to-door looking for work in the lawn care field. First impressions are fact, the minute that door opens, the interview begins. So, don't show up to an interview wearing something that looks as if its never even seen a washing machine, don't come with a bottle of beer in a paper bag, don't smoke a cigarette, and definitely do not let your mangy mutt try to nose his way into a potential employer's home. Its just bad for business. But the biggest concern was this guy didn't have a lawnmower, a weed eater, or any other equipment necessary to his intended, I inferred that his intention was to use my lawn care items. Great idea! I'll just let an intoxicated transient roam around in my yard, scare the neighborhood kids with his swagger and unkempt look, flick his cigarette butts on the grass while his dog tries to hump Lady and leaves a pile right in line with the front door. Riiiiiight.
So, I politely told him that I didn't live here--which is true-- and that he should come back at 6pm. I'll let Steve deal with him.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Bringing Up the Rear for a Strong Finish
And boy did it suck! I was easily a quarter of a mile or more behind Reggie and Steve the entire ride. Even though neither my tummy nor throat bothered me on the ride, I was dragging ass. I had no energy and my legs felt like they were on fire--and that can be blamed on either leg presses on Thursday or racing Mike up a hill on the weekend greenway hike. /sigh
But see, I finished the ride strong. Reggie likes to let me get ahead and then zoom past just as we are reaching our stopping point. And I pulled that ole trick on him tonight. We were pedaling down a hill toward a break in the median so we could cross the road and double back. I found a gap in between the cars racing by, slipped through, and pedaled my little heart out all the way to the top of the hill.
Shaaabang! Sneaky maneuvers, FTW.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
"Camping" By Electric Light
Friday evening Steve and I arrived at Gabe and Em's place, followed shortly by Nathan and Crystal. We spent the bulk of the evening organizing ourselves...for what reason, I can't remember. We didn't eat dinner until 10pm...that's what we get for arriving without provisions...but after burgers and dawgs were dished out we spent the remainder of our waking hours playing a nifty game called Curses. It was a really basic game: two stacks of cards, one revealed a task (like, you are the host of an infomercial, describe to your audience why your deodorant is better than any other deodorant on the market) and the other stack contained curse which you placed upon other players (so, you have to do your infomercial in an Irish accent).
Saturday was a little more productive, and a bit closer to the spirit of, at least we experienced a little bit of nature. After breakfast we hung out and bullshitted. After Mike's arrival (the bearer of sandwich materials), we had lunch and went for an afternoon stroll along a greenway and through Knoxville's ritzy Sequoia Hills. I'm not sure about the mileage, but maybe 6 or so. That night we grilled Thai turkey burgers and bratwurst while a storm bristled overhead. After dinner we played a VERY long game of Zombie Fluxx combined with Curses cards......and if that weren't enough craziness, it was a tequilla slammers enhanced event. I think everyone was pretty tipsy by the time the game ended (I can't even remember who won) and then we were herded into the living room for a tequilla shot viewing of the movie Fido (shots were taken any time someone gotten eaten by a zombie or someone said the name Fido...we totally tanned ole Jose). And for those that managed to stay awake, that was followed up by one of the worst movies I've ever seen, Zombies Anonymous; which was something about a support group for zombies. Horrible. After about half of that crap, it was abandoned...and slowly everyone stumbled off to their respective sleeping places.
Sunday, Mike abandoned us for Nashville and laundry after breakfast and the rest of us headed out to Nathan and Crystals to check out the new place and meet the new dogs. And from there we went to the cinema to watch Star Trek. We ate at Red Robin's afterwards and separated. And tomorrow morning, Steve and I will get up at an unnatural hour to make it to Nashville by 8am. Yippee. Skippy.
Okay, so this weekend did not make us all one with was still pretty cool. Stupid rain...ruinses it, it does. And even though tents and fire were absent, we still managed s'mores, drunken revelry, and good times with friends.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
And for My Next Magic Trick....
I cycled 35 miles today, from Reggie's house in Clarksville to Briley Parkway in Nashville.
It was rough! I think it is easily the hardest ride I've ever done. The first 12 miles were some of the worst hills I've had to climb; not only were they steep but they went on and on for what seemed like miles. There was one hill in particular around the 10 or 11 mile mark that absolutely kicked my butt. I stopped 4 or 5 times just to make it to the top.
After Ashland City the ride was pretty easy. In fact most of it was boring. There was only one hill that got me, but it really wasn't that steep, I think exhaustion was kicking my butt by then. Anyway, I'm in no rush to do that route again, but now its up to the rest of the cycling team to break the 35 mile mark. Cmon, Slackers,...get with the program!
Woohoo, go Team Jenny!
Update: Steve has provided me with some altitude and map stuff.
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Great Texas Adventure
But the neat thing is that with a little effort that pile of rocks actually came out looking a little surreal. And I think "surreal" is a good way to describe the trip overall.
First of all, I didn't expect west Texas to be so friggin', amazingly beautiful. Seriously, who knew trees and grass hid so much cool stuff?!?!?!?!
Second, the group was awesome. Everyone gelled really well...probably because a few of them have known each other longer than they've known their own mothers. But even the newcomers, me included, got along with everyone.
And third, I never in a million and a half years would have expected Mexican food to be so damn tasty for breakfast. But, I just cannot rave enough about chorizo and egg tacos. TastT!
Everyone kept commenting about how well I was doing on the trip. I get the sneaky suspicion that the more experienced riders in the group (Mike included) expected me to wimp out half way through or be a miserable whiny cow. And they probably had good reason to suspect such an event/reaction. But really...there were so many things that I love involved in the trip: the great outdoors, hot weather, creepy bug things, adventure. And all that stuff offset all of the new and unknown experiences: like being on a motorcycle for only the second time in my life and it was a wopper of a ride at 3000+ miles. And even that wasn't that bad. Sure, the 700 mile stretches really pushed the limits of my ass, but while we were touring we never really did more than 60 miles without stopping for a break. Easy Peasy.
I was also told by more than one person in the group that I need to attend future events...AND next time I should ride my own "scooter." So, that's another incentive to graduate and get a job. :D But even Mike warned that I did so well I could end up a long-distance trip partner...but I get the sneaky suspicion that all hangs on how well the trip photos turn out. hehehe.
Favoritest Thing: Big Bend National Park
Unfavoritest Thing: the long and boring 700-mile stretch to and from TX
Voted MVI (Most Valuable Item): my Camelbac bottle with tube, definite necessity in the desert
Funnest Activity: sitting back and listening to Mike's mom and stepdad banter back and forth
2nd Funnest Activity: going fast...vrooooooooooooooom!
Unfunnest Activity: waking up at 6am every friggin' morning for 8am starts. SLEEP, PEOPLE!
2nd Unfunnest Activity: working on a final exam for the majority of the trip.
Would I Do It Again?: Hell yeah!
Anyway, the Texas ride gets two Jenny thumbs up.
So when do we go again???????
Three Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty Miles
Below is a picture of me after some helmetless riding...shhhhhhhhhhh.