Friday, March 6, 2009

So my doctor said to me...

"I think you should just do more cardio."

So let me explain. I went to APSU health services a few days ago because I've been really really really exhausted lately. But more than that, my sensitivity to lack of food increased...I now officially class it as a hypersensitivity to lack of food. For example, its 12:32pm right now, roughly twenty minutes ago I ate a can of tuna fish and a V8. I am starting to feel a little dragged down, and I know if I don't eat something within the next half hour I will start to feel sick. This isn't a new thing for me, its something I've been dealing with for a few years now, but there are periods where it is more prevalent than others. Anyway, they drew some blood just to test for diabetes, anaemia, thyroid imbalances, etc etc. I've had all of these things tested before, and they always come back as shining beacons of my health. Unfortunately, the problem remains unsolved. Sometimes I even wish that they would find *something* just so I could at least identify the problem and solve it.

But,...I digress. The APSU doc said, as expected, that all my levels are fine and he came up with some possible reasons, but not stated with any degree of definitiveness, and which I pretty much refuse to believe are legitimate. 1. The facts of life about being a woman. 2. Waining and building levels of stress. 3. A recurring viral infection that lowers my immune system.

His solution to these *possible* causes of exhaustion/nausea: do more cardio exercise. This was after I told him I exercise on average, 3-4 days a week. Now I'm willing to admit that I do more strength training than cardiovascular training, so maybe he's right. But his logic was not "do this for overall health improvement" but "do this to flood your body with endorphins, and you won't be so tired." Hmmm...I should have mentioned this to him, but I am exhausted after workouts...but by this point the inner voice already came to the conclusion that this guy doesn't really care and he's just trying to appease me.

Anyway, Vanderbilt has a health analysis program for its faculty and staff and their significant others, so I may just fork out the $50 to see what a nutritionist has to say. But already, I'm thinking its going to be, "eat more vegetables and do more cardio."

1 comment:

  1. It annoys me that these people make their money keeping us healthy... you are not feeling right and all he says is workout more. I know how much you work out and HE IS OFF HIS FRIGGING ROCKER. MAybe he should get his fat ass of the box his brain is in and think outside of it for once.
