Sunday, March 1, 2009

Facelifts Can't Hide Inner Ugly

So I read an article on CNN about how Rush Limbaugh recently fired up a youthful crowd of republicans (shame to anyone who capitalizes that word) at the Conservative Political Action Conference. I had a sarcastic chuckle to myself at this quote by Limbaugh:

"We want every American to be the best he or she chooses to be. We recognize that we are all individuals. We love and revere our founding documents, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. We believe that the preamble of the Constitution contains an inarguable truth, that we are all endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, among them life, liberty, freedom -- and the pursuit of happiness."


I feel every sentence is missing the conservative caveats for which the republicans are infamous, at least in ideology if not in stated word. There is nothing in Limbaugh's statements that I would ever associate with republicans or conservatives unless it was followed up with, "as long as we approve." Is this not the same group of individuals that consistently muster their political might to deny gays the same rights as their heterosexual counterparts? How is that respecting the inalienable rights of all? Is the pursuit of happiness limited to only those that abide to conservative doctrines?

And Limbaugh's suggestion that Obama and the liberals are using fear-mongering tactics to create "big government." Seriously, which ass did Limbaugh's head call home for the last eight years?

Just more proof that it doesn't matter how pretty the packaging, a pile of horse manure is still a stinky pile of...


  1. I would have to say that Limbaugh is the biggest hypocrite I have even encountered. Top this off with being a loud mouth racist and I think we have summed him up 3 lines. Think my mom summed it up a long time a go *If you cant say something nice shut your damned gob* (ok maybe it wasnt quite that but Im allowed to embelish it ok *LOL*)

  2. His hypocracy is my main problem with the statement I quoted. He is the antithesis to everything that quote stands for.

  3. Yes, he is the antithesis, but you generalized republicans. thanks

  4. Sorry, I should have stated more clearly in my post that I am referring to republican politicians (of which I believe Limbaugh to be, even though he does not run for office, he is no doubt a LARGE (pun intended) politician). I strongly believe that regardless of party, Dems and Repugs alike use the hopes, dreams, fears, likes, dislikes, etc of their constituents to win votes. And what I've seen of the republican politicians in the last eight years does not reflect the words that came out of Big Mouth's mouth.

    No republicans were harmed in the making of this blog. :)
