Monday, March 30, 2009

One Reason to NOT Hate Walmart

Well, there are many reason to hate Walmart. For many people it has something to do with Big Bad Corporation taking over and destroying Small Town, USA. But when Big Bad Corporation screws over Big Bad Pharmaceutical Corporation, it makes it all okay. Because if there is anything I hate more than airport security or automotive insurance, its anything associated with American health care, particularly those bastards that charge U.S. customers 10 to 20 times the cost of what they charge for the same drugs in foreign countries. And they try to justify it by claiming that they must recoup the costs they input into research. And a more even, and fair distribution of cost worldwide is out of the question why?

Anyway, this rant does have a purpose. Today I went to the doctor and I got a prescription for Lamisil. My insurance company (also on my shite list) has rejected this prescription a couple of times, and I've never forked out the $800 for the 90 day supply because,...well, I don't believe any LEGAL drug should cost that much. But my doc said that he heard through the grapevine that Walmart is now selling a generic form of Lamisil, and I should just chance it. So...I did. And when I picked up my prescription this evening, guess how much I paid for Walmart's generic Lamisil. $800? Nope. $400? Not even close. Try dividing that by 100. Yep, that's right. $4.00 for a 30 day prescription. So, $12 total to get the full run.

Now I'm glad I didn't bite the bullet and pay out of pocket,...I might have been pissed enough to burn down a headquarters.


  1. Yeah! You stick it to American Healthca.. WAIT! I'm associated with American Healthcare.. Am I hated?

  2. No, because you've already stated that you are working to secure a stress-free future. You are excused.

  3. Fitting. PBS Frontline's episode tonight is Healtcare in America. One victims quote was, "Health insurance is designed to fail when you need it. Like an airbag made of tissue paper. You feel comfortable with it until the crash."
