Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Primal Update 2.0

...well 2.4 to be exact. Since my first Primal Blueprint update on July 13th I have dropped another 2.4% of bodyfat. And that's pretty amazing when you think about 1. that works out to be about 8% of the fat contained on/in my body. and 2. I've had some not-so-healthy weekends, nutritionally speaking, in the last month or so.

I've also converted friend, Tara Smith, to the Primal Blueprint. We both voiced a little frustration at ourselves for having some nutritional slips, so we've arranged a Primal Lunch Date this week so we can swap recipes, cook primal food for each other, and act as a general source of moral support. Our respective roommates (Tara prefers to call hers "husband" but this seems so...legal) are marginally on the Primal Blueprint by proxy and I know Steve has seen some results, but he's really yet to get into it head on.

And to date, the friend who introduced me to the Primal Blueprint book (~cough cough~ YOU know who you are!) has yep to crack that thing open and give it a try. ;-P

And last but not least, I have discovered quite possibly the best somewhat Primal recipe ever...totally by accident and through the contribution of two vegans. Vegan #1 took me to a vegan restaurant in Nashville, where I ordered an almond milk smoothie. It was so good that I told everyone about it, even vegan #2 who suggested that for a homemade recipe I substitute ice for a frozen banana. The result is the Frozen Banana Smoothie, which takes on the texture of ice cream.

So a quick recipe for all to try at home, in a blender add together: one frozen banana, 3 tablespoons of almond butter (primal) or peanut butter (non-primal), and 250 mL of unsweetened almond milk....blend...and voila!

1 comment:

  1. 2 points of note.

    1. Day one of primal head on. Lets see if I can make it 3-5 days. I want to get focused with it so heres hoping

    2. Banana smoothie = YUMMMMMMM. it is amazing and filling, almost a meal in its own and I will vouch for that. if you dont try one your missing out. Warning though you need to have the banana in the freezer for at least 4 hours and you must peel it and put it in a ziplock bag. Non frozen or partially frozen is not as good.

