So you may have heard (probably multiple times if you hang around Steve) that I won a mountain bike race a few weeks ago. Okay, okay...competition was hardly of the stiff variety, but still, I finished first in the women's division. But that's not even the amazing part...I finished on a P.O.S. Walmart-special-yard-sale-find that cost all of $45 (I probably paid too much). If you've ever seen this Purple Trail Eater (as it has since been dubbed) you'd understand the enormity of my win. Anyway, ever since Steve has been insisting that a champion mountain biker needs a champion mountain bike. He's been egged on by workmate and semi-pro mtn biker, Scott McConnell (who rides for the Moots mtn bike team). It's actually been a pretty interesting dynamic that's develop between us...Steve wants to see me on a proper mtn bike but with as little financial layout as possible...Scott wants to see me on a mtn bike but wants to see Steve fork out as much money as I want him to spend on it...and me? well I just want a mtn bike that doesn't chap my ass. :)

So, after much window shopping and many test rides, I purchased my first, real, honest-to-goodness mountain bike, a Cannondale F5. It's sweeeeet...
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