Thursday, August 27, 2009

Life: Unpredicted

And part two: I got offered a job. In Texas. There was a lot of appeal to this. The money was okay for a first "real" job. Texas is cool and I know people that live there (and would have been working with one of them). And, as anyone who knows me will remember, I'm always trying to run away.

Buuuut...there were a lot of reasons to turn the job down, which I did. Like, it was an unguaranteed one year term position. So, I would move down to Texas and could be told within a matter of months that I wasn't needed anymore. Also, I would have to start in two weeks, and I'm not sure I could have wrapped up everything in Tennessee and gotten settled in Texas in two weeks. But the number one reason for rejecting the position was money. Not the money they were offering, but the money it would cost me to move down there. I would have lost my GA position, so I'd have to pay my last semester of tuition out of pocket. I would also have to pay another month's rent here or risk losing my deposit, plus pay back the half off the first month's rent deal I was given as punishment for abandoning the lease early. Then I would have the cost of a new apartment plus deposit plus cost of getting it up and running. Add on the cost of installing a hitch on the Jeep and renting a trailor to move the motorcycle, and the gas associated with such an endeavor. I seriously lost sleep over this because up until I started doing the math I was leaning more toward accepting the position than rejecting it.

But maybe it's for the best. It would have been a great thing to stick on my resume, this is true. But my last semester at the Peay will be that little bit easier and I won't have to live off of toast and water for a month.

1 comment:

  1. Hey wait a minute, you would have had enough money for a toaster!!!!!!!
