Thursday, July 2, 2009

There Can Be Only One

Everyone has their own peculiar patterns, or ways, of speech. Most of us are probably unaware of them, much like we are unaware of our little ticks and other things that generally annoy the hell out of people. Who knows where or how these little verbal twitches develop; maybe we pick them up from our parents, our educators,...maybe they are defined by geographical or socio-economic regions. But more importantly, they define us. Yet, there seems to be a popular trend these days among both the media and your Average Joe Shmoe to use Obama-isms. His little verbal ticks have come to act as proof that you are intelligent, educated, making a good well-formed argument, and fighting on the side of right...regardless if that is, in fact, true.

Don't get me wrong, I like Obama, and he is a good orator, but hearing his oft-used statements regurgitated prolifically is quickly becoming a pet peeve. No one needs to prove their intelligence by copying President Obama. Your arguments are not more sound by including the phrase, "fundamental differences" or "now let me be clear." I heard someone on NPR use the last one this morning and I yelled at my radio, "THERE IS ONLY ONE BARACK OBAMA, AND YOU ARE NOT HIM!"

So please, stop stealing the Prez's words. The English language is very extensive. Your options are nearly limitless. Think Obama-isms are awesome? Great! Pick up a thesaurus and find your own way to express the same sentiment. I guarantee you that those of us out there who really are intelligent will be more impressed by your creativity than verbal plagarism.

Remember: There can be only one...Barack Obama.

1 comment:

  1. it seems to be the concept of the sheep following those that are even slightly different. They want to be part of the change. do they think they can make a difference "yes they can".

    Over all I am bitter about politicians. I for one think that Obama could do a lot. The problem is he is being stiffled, by the repulsicans naturally (it is their job after all to oppose him) but also by the so called politicians of his party. He may have been the candidate of change but his party has not changed and it is business as usual. For tru change to this country they need to remove all congresspersons and senators from office. Bar all of them and previous holders from office for life and allow fresh blood to come in. As long as their is an minimum age for holding a position there should be an age cap of 65-70. To prevent stagnation we also need term limits. For the house 3 terms for the senate 2 terms. Then and only then maybe we will see change. I know its a pipe dream@!!
