Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year Resolutions

My last New Year's resolution was...ohhh...maybe three or four years ago. It went something like this: don't be fat by the time I'm 30. It was a very open resolution. I put no criteria on how I was going to not be fat, after all, why should I? I had tried and failed just about every crazy diet plan to lose weight, and I was determined that this time I would not fail. The resolution evolved over the months and years, and it became less about the fat and more about being healthy. I did a great deal of research, and I came up with a simple plan that worked. It was a list of do's and do not's. Do: exercise, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats. Do not: eat sugar, processed foods, fast food, or mystery meats, or go more than three days without exercise. Kinda simple when I type it out like that. The results have been pretty good. I went from this (taken 12/12/03):

to this (taken 08/10/08):

For the last few years I've been hesitant to replace this New Year's resolution, I mean, it's working so why fix it, right? But this year I think it is time to renew old promises to myself and make some new ones. The old one is working pretty good, but after a horribly busy semester I feel I've gotten off track a little. So...without further delay, here are my resolutions for 2009.
1. I am officially renewing my old resolution, only with a new title: to have the body I've always wanted by the time I am 35.
2. I will go to the climbing wall at least once a week during the semester.
3. I will become an avid cyclist.
4. I will learn a new hobby (to be determined, watch this space).
Well...I guess I will need to do update posts throughout the coming year. I'm not too keen about publishing my resolutions, but I realized that by doing so I am making myself accountable for what I've typed. That may just be the sort of encouragement I need.


  1. Oooo! Cyclist! I'm with you in training for a cross country riding event! I've got the truck, Steve can be our support team (driving the truck, getting us sustenance, applying icy/hot to the spots I can't or don't want to reach). I just need winter apparel & training gear, locking pedals & shoes. Here are some trails:

  2. Alright, a cycling buddy! *high five*

    I've already been thinking about my first long ride...well, long for someone who's never done more than 14 miles. My house to Dover is 30 miles, and with the new highway expansion *most* of it has an emergency lane we can ride in.

    And Steve would make an excellent support team. He's had many years of applying icy/hot to my multiple sprains, aches, bruises, and muscle soreness. He's practically a pro. He'll want a jersey. :D

  3. Found this site, one man's online story of his cross-country adventure from east to west coast. I've only read the FAQs so far, but they were darn interesting and informative. Hmmm...wondering what are the odds of both you and Steve getting two months leave of absences from work? :)
