Monday, September 27, 2010

The Changeling

I haven't don't a movie review in awhile, and The Changeling annoyed me to the point that I feel the need to rant about it. So, The Changeling...Angelina Jolie is probably the only actor any average viewer could name, but there are plenty of familiar faces.

The general gist of the movie is woman goes to work and leaves young son at home to fend for himself, woman returns from work to find son gone, "son" is returned but she claims its not hers, woman spends the rest of her life searching for real son.

My opinion: a long and boring movie that is just Angelina Jolie running about crying. I really would love to see a 30 second Bunny short of this movie where an Angelina Bunny wails from scene to scene proclaiming "That's not my Walter!"

So yeah,...quite possibly the worst movie Clint Eastwood ever directed. He should go back to shootin' shit and smacking punks in the face.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Sometimes...just sometimes,...there are certain foods I miss. Now, I love the Primal Blueprint, especially the nutritional side of it,...but I still have my weak moments when I can't ignore the side of hashbrowns or the fries or the breaded and deep fried fish.

I found a compromise for the potato products by making sweet potato fries and hashbrowns an occasional treat. But I had truly given up on breading for fish (or really any meat product that can be breaded) until I was inspired to give an alternative recipe a try.

Last night, following detailed instruction via moi, Steve fried up some cod in coconut oil and butter that was "breaded" with chopped black walnuts, pecans, and fried scallions. It was really really REALLY effin' good. The kinda good that results in instant salivation.

We rounded out our "breaded" fish with some steamed veggies, fresh pineapple, and a banana smoothie. I would share a picture...but honestly, didn't last that long.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Primal Update 2.0

...well 2.4 to be exact. Since my first Primal Blueprint update on July 13th I have dropped another 2.4% of bodyfat. And that's pretty amazing when you think about 1. that works out to be about 8% of the fat contained on/in my body. and 2. I've had some not-so-healthy weekends, nutritionally speaking, in the last month or so.

I've also converted friend, Tara Smith, to the Primal Blueprint. We both voiced a little frustration at ourselves for having some nutritional slips, so we've arranged a Primal Lunch Date this week so we can swap recipes, cook primal food for each other, and act as a general source of moral support. Our respective roommates (Tara prefers to call hers "husband" but this seems are marginally on the Primal Blueprint by proxy and I know Steve has seen some results, but he's really yet to get into it head on.

And to date, the friend who introduced me to the Primal Blueprint book (~cough cough~ YOU know who you are!) has yep to crack that thing open and give it a try. ;-P

And last but not least, I have discovered quite possibly the best somewhat Primal recipe ever...totally by accident and through the contribution of two vegans. Vegan #1 took me to a vegan restaurant in Nashville, where I ordered an almond milk smoothie. It was so good that I told everyone about it, even vegan #2 who suggested that for a homemade recipe I substitute ice for a frozen banana. The result is the Frozen Banana Smoothie, which takes on the texture of ice cream.

So a quick recipe for all to try at home, in a blender add together: one frozen banana, 3 tablespoons of almond butter (primal) or peanut butter (non-primal), and 250 mL of unsweetened almond milk....blend...and voila!